του Ιωάννη Μιχαλέτου
Ο κάτωθι κατάλογος-λίστα περιλαμβάνει τις Ισλαμικές Μ.Κ.Ο.που ελέγχονται από τη Τουρκία και ειδικότερα από το κυβερνών κόμμα Α.Κ.Π. με βάση την πλεύση και τη συμμαχία που έχει χαράξει με την "Μουσουλμανική Αδελφότητα" (Μ.Α.) σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο.
Στην ουσία οι οργανώσεις που αναφέρονται υπάγονται ταυτοχρόνως στο διττό έλεγχο της Τουρκίας και της Μ.Α. ενώ εκτιμάται ότι είναι είναι σε πλήρη συντονισμό με την Τουρκική υπηρεσία πληροφοριών (ΜΙΤ), βάση και των πρόσφατων διαταγμάτων που επιτρέπουν την πλήρη διείσδυση των Τουρκικών υπηρεσιών σε οποιονδήποτε φορέα χρηματοδοτείται από το Τουρκικό κράτος-όπως είναι οι περιπτώσεις όλων αυτών των ΜΚΟ.
Εξυπακούεται ότι αυτή η γνώση περί του θέματος είναι χρήσιμη σε κάθε Έλληνα πολίτη ο οποίος από "αβλεψία" θα μπορούσε να έχει οργανική ή άλλη μισθοδοτούμενη σχέση με τις οργανώσεις αυτές.
1. The Foundation of Volunteer Organizations of Turkey Turkey
2. Akabe Culture and Education Foundation Turkey
3. Anatolian Lions Businessmen Association Turkey
4. Anatolia Tawhid Foundation Turkey
5. Research and Culture Foundation Turkey
6. Besiktas Reconstruction Adornment and Solidarity Foundation Turkey
7. The Union (Birlik) Foundation Turkey
8. Diwan Research and Education Association Turkey
9. Ansar Foundation Turkey
10. Young Businessmen Foundation Turkey
11. Youth Marriage and Mahir Foundation Turkey
12. Khayrat Foundation Turkey
13. Hilaliye Education Foundation Turkey
14. Lawyers Association Turkey
15. Ikhlas Foundation Turkey
16. Science and Felicity Foundation Turkey
17. Science Spread Society Turkey
18. Science Spread Foundation Turkey
19. The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief Turkey
20. Human Education, Culture and Solidarity Foundation Turkey
21. The Foundation for Research in Islamic Sciences Turkey
22. Business World Foundation Turkey
23. Kardelen Education Culture and Environment Association Turkey
24. Inter Cultural Research and Friend Foundation Turkey
25. Ahmad Hulusi Effendi Culture, Education and Health Foundation Turkey
26. Independent Businessmen's Association Turkey
27. Ottoman Researches Foundation Turkey
28. Raif Cilasun Education and Culture Foundation Turkey
29. Raihan Education Foundation Turkey
30. Ribat Education Foundation Turkey
31. Safa Education and Solidarity Foundation Turkey
32. Health Employees Foundation Turkey
33. The International Council of Awqaf and Non-Governmental Organizations Turkey
34. Ankara Education and Culture Foundation Turkey
35. Al-Awn Development and Relief Association Ethiopia
36. Arab Research Center Egypt
37. World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) Saudi Arabia
38. Bosniak Radio-Television International Bosnia-Herzegovina
39. Call and Reform Society Iran
40. Eurasian International Development Association Azerbaijan
41. Global Peace Mission (GPM) Malaysia
42. International Islamic Comittee for Human Rights Kuwait
43. Kashmiri American Council USA
44. Indonesian Humanitarian Commite Indonesia
45. Invitation Islami Organization Sudan
46. Yardımeli Assocation Bangladesh
47. National Org for Defending Rights and Freedoms (HOOD) Yemen
48. Lawyers Union Syria
49. Zamzam Foundation Somalia
50. European Muslim Union (EMU) Germany
51. Turkey Imam and Preacher School Foundation Turkey
52. Avcılar Science,Culture and Service Foundation Turkey
53. Entrepreneurial Businessmen and Business Ethic Association Turkey
54. Elmaskalem Education and Culture Association Turkey
55. Activists of Patients' Rights Association Palestine
56. Erdem Education Ethics and Solidarity Association Turkey
57. Smiling Children and Youth Association Turkey
58. Social Researches and Intercultural Solidarity Association Turkey
59. Bogazici University Reunion Association Turkey
60. Pusula Education and Research Association Turkey
61. Doctors Union Foundation Turkey
62. Ahiskalilar Foundation Turkey
63. World Turkomen Education Foundation Turkey
64. Vereniging Islam Dialoog Educatie Emantipatie Holland
65. Al-Isra Relief and Development Fund Palestine
66. Bayrampasa Yesil Mosque Serving To Science Foundation Turkey
67. Islamic Relief Britain
68. Al Eslah Society Bahrain
69. Justice Defenders Association Turkey
70. Ihsan Education, Culture and Solidarity Foundation Turkey
71. Gunisigi Education and Solidarity Association Turkey
72. Veysel Karani Hirka-I Sherif Mosque Serving Foundation Turkey
73. Food Safety Movement Turkey
74. Reading Habit Education Culture and Solidarity Association Turkey
75. Istanbul Dentists Friendship and Solidarity Association Turkey
76. Umutlar Sonmesin Social Health Association of Cultural Solidarity Turkey
77. Association of Victims of American Occupation Prisons Iraq
78. Saudi Universities Alumni Association Bangladesh Bangladesh
79. Irshad and Islah Society Algeria
80. The Islamic Society - Jabalia Palestine
81. Serving to Humanity Foundation Turkey
82. Mehdi Ben Aboud Research, Development and Information Foundation Morocco
83. Woman Sanitarians Solidarity Association Turkey
84. Awareness and Consolation Association Lebanon
85. World Ahlul Bayt Foundation Turkey
86. Tekaful for Child Welfare Lebanon
87. Soulaitine Association for Charitable Activities Burkina faso
88. Spike of Kindness Kosova
89. The Muslim forum of Albania Albania
90. International Islamic Relief Organization (IIROSA) Saudi Arabia
91. Takmir Education Foundation Malaysia
92. National Union of Malaysian Muslim Students Malaysia
93. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia Malaysia
94. Society for The Enlightenment of The Ummah Malaysia Malaysia
95. National Union of Kuwait Students (NUKS) Kuwait
96. Life Health and Social Services Foundation Turkey
97. Palestinian Solidarity Association Turkey
98. Ardhmeria - Future Culture Association Albania
99. Caucasia Foundation Turkey
100. Architects and Engineers Group Turkey
101. Cambodian Muslim Intellectual Alliance (CMIA) Cambodia
102. All Ceylon Young Men’s Muslim Association Conference Sri lanka
103. Tawheed and Islah Movement Morocco
104. Al Bisma Social Activities Organization Morocco
105. Relief and Humanitarian Society Morocco
106. The Union of Hope for Moroccan Children Morocco
107. Al Zahra for Woman Forum Morocco
108. Association of Volunteer Educators in Turkey Turkey
109. Human and Civilization Movement Association Turkey
110. Solidarity Foundation Turkey
111. Cultural Humanitarian Organization Marhamat (CHOM) FYROM
112. Wefa - International Humanitarian Relief Organization Germany
113. Future Global Network Foundation Malaysia
114. Humanitarian Relief for Development Society (HRDS) Lebanon
115. The Welfare Association for Palestinian&Lebanese Families Lebanon
116. The Eastern Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association Turkey
117. Consumers Union Turkey
118. Iraqi Students and Youth Union Iraq
119. The Food Auditing and Certification Research Association Turkey
120. The Islamic Association Bahrain
121. Darul Arkam Foundation Kazakhstan
122. ICNA Relief Canada
123. Maldivian United Youth Association Maldives
124. The Grand Council for Imams Ivory coast
125. The Community Development Foundation Malaysia
126. Lemboga Amil Zakat Infaq & Sadaqah Indonesia
127. Maiin Foundation Somalia
128. Care for Aid and Development Somalia
129. Social Agency for Welfare and Advancement inBangladesh Bangladesh
130. International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO) Kuwait
131. Struggle Against Poverty and Development Association (ADLM) Chad
132. Dynamic Islamic Youth Association Cameron
133. Islamic Culture Association Morocco
134. Association for Protecting and Maintaining Ottoman Heritage in Adjacency of Quds Turkey
135. Hikmah Education,Culture and Solidarity Foundation Turkey
136. Maarij Foundation for Peace and Development Sudan
137. Al Amal for Development Social Care Association Lebanon
138. Center for Information and Guidance Republic of Sychelles
139. International Volunteers Society Turkey
140. Continuing Education and Solidarity Foundation Turkey
141. Bangladesh Ideal Teachers forum Bangladesh
142. Helping Hand Association Turkey
143. Bondhan Welfare Society (BWS) Bangladesh
144. Islamic Council Feni Bangladesh
145. Student Revival Association Morocco
146. Al Hidn National Association Morocco
147. Islamic Education Teachers Association Morocco
148. Woman Awareness and Revival Association Morocco
149. Shafsawin Islamic Dawah Organization Morocco
150. Al Barra Social, Cultural, Development and Environment Association Morocco
151. Wiam Arts and Sports Association Morocco
152. Moroccan Scouts Association Morocco
153. Serendib Foundation for Relief and Development Sri Lanka
154. Institute of Iraqi Scholars and Academician Iraq
155. Darussalam Foundation Turkey
156. Association of Muslim Welfare Agencies in Bangladesh(AMWAB) Bangladesh
157. Al Muntada al Islami Trust Britain
158. Islamic Kurdish League Iraq
159. Qabes Strategic Studies Research Center Iraq
160. Social Association Lebanon
161. International Islamic Youth League Sierra Leone
162. Islamic Solidarity and Brotherhood Union Burkina Faso
163. Trade Union of Municipality and Special Provincial Administration Employees Solidarity Turkey
164. Khubaib Foundation Pakistan
165. Ong Alkhayr for Development In Mauritania Moritanya
166. Palestinian Solidarity Foundation Syria
167. Humanitarian Organization For the Development of Social Welfare Senegal
168. Khoja Ahmad Yasawi Science and Wisdom Foundation Turkey
169. Association for Culture, Education and Learning Kosovo
170. Dituria Cultural and Humanitarian Association Serbia
171. Vizioni M Educational and Cultural Association FYROM
172. ALSAR - Alternative of Future Foundation Albania
173. Ensar Cultural Humanitarian Organization FYROM
174. Center for Cross Cultural Understanding (Horizonti) Montenegro
175. Arab Organization for Freedoms and Good Governance Switzerland
176. Gul Foundation Turkey
177. Darul Hikmah Association for Science, Research and Culture Turkey
178. Israa Association for Social Development – IASD Lebanon
179. Thabit Organization for the Right of Return Lebanon
180. Human Charity For Relief And Development Lebanon
181. Mongolia Islamic Union Mongolia
182. Help In Need Pakistan
183. Indonesia Muslim Students Association -HMI Indonesia
184. Association of Muslim Youth of Sailan Sri Lanka
185. Solidarnost Charity Fund Russia
186. Nahla Centre for Education and Research Bosnia-Herzegovina
187. Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) Sudan
Παρουσιάζονται τα "πρόσωπα-κλειδιά" σε συνάρτηση με τον παραπάνω πίνακα, των ελεγχόμενων από τη Τουρκία ΜΚΟ.
Όπως αναφέρθηκε, υπάρχει άμεση αλληλεξάρτηση με τα δίκτυα της Μουσουλμανικής Αδελφότητας (Μ.Α.)
Muhammad Ali al-AMIN
Ahmad AZAM
Dr.Ghulam-Nabi FAI

Hany el BANNA, Dr.

Mohammed Naieem AKBEEK
Nedim KAYA
Salah Abd-el MUTAAL
Abdulfettah Fehdi
Süleyman Agbariye

Abdulhameed Y. AL-MAZROO, Dr.
Saudi Arabia
Hisham SATER
Muhammed SIRACH
Muhamad al-ARUSI
Nedim Han
Shuaib Abdullatif SHEIKH
Δημοσίευση σχολίου
Παρακαλώ να γράφετε με Ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες και να είστε κόσμιοι στις εκφράσεις σας. Οποιοδήποτε άλλο σχόλιο με γκρικλις και ξένη γλώσσα θα διαγράφετε. Ευχαριστώ!